Before we get there

As we prepare to transition into the new year there are somethings that need to happen before we do. I am sure everyone has goals, plans and objectives. There is nothing wrong with the New Year New Me or This is my year. If it is your year, be deliberate, claim it and work very hard at making it your year. If you have been following me for a little while I am sure you have heard me talk about reflecting and self-care. If you have not, then now you are about to. What is this reflective stuff you speak about JT. Why is self-care so important? Well I am glad you asked. Reflecting more specifically self-reflection is a tool used to encourage, stimulate or guide our future by clearly explaining our understanding of our failures, success, adjustments as well as clearly defining where we come from. All that means is look at what happened, assess it and look for areas of growth and improvement.  Be honest and critical of yourself but not to the point depression or sadness. Thoroughly asses your attitudes, values, morals, perspectives and knowledge with the spirit of self improvement and enhancement to construct a plan for your future. See you can not play around with self-reflection because you have to confront your ego and pride. This confrontation has to come from a positive, optimistic, and self-improving place. As we reflect we have to also assess whether we dedicated enough time to self-care. It is ok to be selfish. Yes I said it. You have to take care of yourself first. You can not pour from an empty cup. When we do not take care of ourselves, fatigue, sickness and stress set in and takes us out. Have you ever wondered why when you are stress you seem to get sick as well. The immune systems gets compromised. Its like everything goes wrong at the same time. When you are relaxed and refresh nothing really seems to bother you. We often see stress in our lives when we have a ton of things going on at once, worrying a lot and no clear plan of action. Some things you have to take care of and others you need to delegate or remove. Prioritization is your best friend. Why are we even discussing self-care, stress and reflection? All of these things are vitally important for you. They affect your mental and physical health as well as your spiritual being. Stress can cause you to give up on your dream. So lets not do that. Before we just roll into 2019, examine your current circumstances and expectations for yourself as well as others. What has to go right now? What needs to stay? Own up to mistakes and take responsibility for your actions. Even the ones that you purposefully did thinking it was for another reason. Stop pumpfaking! You did what you did. Now develop a plan that includes you. We often forget ourselves in the planning stages. Make time at least once a week to do something you enjoy. This is important. This is like hitting the reset button on life. I would also encourage you to listen to your body. When it says it needs rest and wants to do nothing. Please by all means do nothing. It is ok to sit or lay in silence and give your brain a rest. Address your emotions and your ego. I am not saying dwell in your feelings for weeks and weeks at a time. I am however saying what you are feeling FEEL it, process it, learn from it and move on. Set boundaries for yourself and others. You need to know what you need and you need others to know what you need. Lastly, lets try this healthy thing. Exercise, eating healthier you know all the things that we say we want to do but never do. Do Better. Get to it. Try at least one healthy meal a week then increase by one every week until you get to a whole day, week or month. You can do it, I promise. Lets not leave out our friends, family, partners and supporters. Develop a team of individuals who want to Do Better in 2019. Become accountability partners and get to work. I am going to start the celebration now for the small victories you are about to achieve because they will lead to the goal accomplishments. Listen family, I know this year has brought you some ups and downs. If it hasn’t, as the elders would say KEEP LIVING. 2018 has certainly brought me a few things. All in all I am grateful and thankful, but I still need to DO BETTER.

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